- Alfaro-Leranoz, A.; Badía-Villas, D.; Marti-Dalmau, C.; Emran, M.; Conte-Dominguez, A.P.; Ortiz-Perpiña, O. (2022). Long-term evolution of shrub prescribed burning effects on topsoil organic matter and biological activity in the Central Pyrenees (NE-Spain). Science of the Total Environment 888: 163994, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163994
- Mora, J.L.; Badía-Villas, D.; Gómez, D. (2022). Fire does not transform shrublands of Echinospartum horridum (Vahl) Rothm. into grasslands in the Pyrenees: Development of community structure and nutritive value after single prescribed burns. Journal of Environmental Management 315: 115125, DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115125
- Armas-Herrera, C.M., Badía-Villas, D., Mora, J.L., Gómez, D. (2020). Plant-topsoil relationships underlying subalpine grassland patchiness. Science of the Total Environment 712: 134483, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134483
- Badía-Villas, D., Lucía Buendía-García, Luis Alberto Longares-Aladrén, Clara Martí-Dalmau, José Luis Peña-Monné, José Antonio González-Pérez, Daniel Gómez-García (2020). Soil-geomorphology relationships determine the distribution of the main subalpine grasslands in the Central Pyrenees (NE-Spain). Science of the Total Environment 734: 139121. DOIU: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139121
- Badía-Villas, D., Esteban, J. Girona, A., Ortíz, O., Poch, R.M. (2020). Topsoil microstructure changes after a shrubland prescribed burn (Central Pyrenees, NE Spain). Science of the Total Environment 736: 141253. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141253
- Girona-García A, Ortiz Perpiñá O, Badía-Villas D. 2019. Dynamics of topsoil carbon stocks after prescribed burning for pasture restoration in shrublands of the Central Pyrenees (NE-Spain). Journal of Environmental Management 233: 695-705. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.12.057
- Girona-García, A.; Badía-Villas, D.; Jiménez-Morillo, N.T.; González-Pérez, J.A. 2019. Changes in soil organic matter composition after Scots pine afforestation in a native European beech forest revealed by analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS). Science of the Total Environment 691: 1155-1161. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.07.229
- Armas Herrera, C.M.; Pérez Lambán, F.; Badía Villas, D.; Peña Monné, J.L.; González Pérez, J.A., Picazo, J.V., Jiménez Morillo, N.T.; Sampietro Vattuone, M.M.; Alcolea Gracia, M. 2019. Pyrogenic organic matter from paleo-fires during the Holocene: A case study in a sequence of buried soils at the Central Ebro Basin (NE-Spain). Journal of Environmental Management, 241: 558 – 566. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.09.104
- Girona-García A, Zufiaurre Galarza R, Mora JL, Armas-Herrera CM, Martí C, Ortiz-Perpiñá O, Badía-Villas D. 2018. Effects of prescribed fire for pasture reclamation on soil chemical properties in subalpine shrublands of the Central Pyrenees (NE-Spain). Science of the Total Environment 644: 583-593. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.363
- Girona-García A, Badía-Villas D, Martí C. 2018. Changes in Topsoil Properties after Centennial Scots Pine Afforestation in a European Beech Forest (NE Spain). Forests 9: 343. DOI: 10.3390/f9060343
- Girona-García A, Ortiz-Perpiñá O, Badía-Villas D, Martí-Dalmau C. 2018. Effects of prescribed burning on soil organic C, aggregate stability and water repellency in a subalpine shrubland: variations among sieve fractions and depths. Catena 166: 68-77. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.03.018
- Armas-Herrera CM, Martí C, Badía D, Ortiz-Perpiñá O, Girona-García A, Mora JL. 2018. Short- and midterm evolution of topsoil organic matter and biological properties after prescribed burning for pasture recovery (Tella, Central Pyrenees, Spain). Land Degradation and Development 29:1545-1554. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2937
- Girona-García A, Badía-Villas D, Martí-Dalmau C, Ortiz-Perpiñá O, Mora JL, Armas-Herrera CM. 2018. Effects of prescribed fire for pasture management on soil organic matter and biological properties: a 1-year study case in the Central Pyrenees. Science of the Total Environment 618: 1079-1087 . DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.127
- Girona-García A, Badía-Villas D, Jiménez-Morillo NT, de la Rosa JM, González-Pérez JA. 2018. Soil C and N isotope composition after a centennial Scots pine afforestation in podzols of native European beech forests in NE-Spain. Catena 165: 434-441. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.02.023
- Badía-Villas D, Girona-García A. 2018. Soil humus changes with elevation in Scots pine stands of the Moncayo Massif (NE-Spain). Applied Soil Ecology 123: 617-621 . DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.07.017
- Badía D, López-García S, Martí C, Ortíz-Perpiñá O, Girona-García A, Casanova-Gascón J. 2017. Burn effects on soil properties associated to heat transfer under contrasting moisture content. Science of The Total Environment 601-602: 1119-1128. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.254
- Badía D, Armas CM, Mora JL, Gómez D, Montserrat G, Palacios S. 2017. ¿Podemos controlar la expansión del erizón mediante quemas?. Lucas Mallada 19, 21 pp. ISSN: 0214-8315
- Badía-Villas D, Martí-Dalmau C, Girona-García A, Ortiz-Perpiñá O, Casanova Gascón, J. 2017. Chapter 12: Soil thickness affected by fire: changes in organic C content and related properties. En: Bento Gonçalves, A.J.; Batista Vieira, A.A.; Melo Costa, M.R.; Marques Aranha, J.T. (Eds.). Wildfires: Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st Century. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge NY, USA. ISBN: 978-1-53612-890-1.
- Armas-Herrera CM, Martí C, Badía D, Ortíz O, Girona A, Porta J. 2016. Immediate effects of prescribed burning on the amount and stability of topsoil organic matter in Central Pyrenees. Catena 147: 238-244. DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2016.07.016
- Aznar JM, González-Pérez JA, Badía D, Martí-Dalmau C. 2016. At what depth are the properties of a gypseous forest topsoil affected by burning?. Land Degradation and Development. DOI: 10.1002/ldr.2258
- Badía D, Ruiz A, Girona A, Martí C, Casanova J, Ibarra P, Zufiaurre R. 2016. The influence of Elevation on Soil Properties and Forest Litter in the Siliceous Moncayo Massif, SW Europe. Journal of Mountain Science 13 (12): 2155-2169. DOI: 10.1007/s11629-015-3773-6
- León J, Badía D, Echeverría MT. 2015. Comparison of different methods to measure soil erosion in the Central Ebro Valley. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, 41: 165-180. DOI: 10.18172/cig.2703
- León J, Echeverría MT, Martí C, Badía D. 2015. Can ash control infiltration rate after burning? An example in burned calcareous and gypseous soils in the Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Catena 135: 377-382. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2014.05.024
- Badía D, Sánchez C, Aznar JM, Martí-Dalmau C. 2015. Post-fire hillslope log debris dams for runoff and erosion mitigation in the semiarid Ebro basin. Geoderma 237-238: 298-307. DOI 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.09.004
- Badía D, Martí C, Aguirre AJ, Aznar JM, González-Pérez JA, De la Rosa JM, León J, Ibarra P, Echeverría MT. 2014. Wildfire effects on nutrients and organic carbon of a Rendzic Phaeozem in NE Spain: changes at cm-scale topsoil. Catena 113: 267-275. DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2013.08.002
- Badía D, González-Pérez JA, Aznar JM, Arjona-Gracia B, Martí-Dalmau C. 2014. Changes in water repellency, aggregation and organic matter of a mollic horizon burned in laboratory: soil depth affected by fire. Geoderma 213: 400-407. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2013.08.038
- León J, Seeger M, Badía D, Peters, P, Echeverría MT. 2014. Thermal shock and splash effects on burned gypseous soils from the Ebro Basin. Solid Earth, 5: 1-10. DOI: 10.5194/se-5-1-2014